Текст песни Lana Del Rey - Queen of Hearts

I heard you like to skip rope and break hearts
Saw you on the playground
With trick cards
You just met your equal, queen of hearts
I heard you like to skip rope and play hearts
Singing hallelujah
In play yards
You just met your equal, queen of hearts
Holla do ya'

I heard you like to skip rope and break hearts
Saw you on the playground
With trick cards
You just met your equal, queen of hearts
I heard you like to skip rope and play hearts
Singing hallelujah
In play yards
You just met your equal, queen of hearts
Holla do ya'

I heard you like to skip rope and break hearts
Saw you on the playground
With trick cards
You just met your equal, queen of hearts
I heard you like to skip rope and play hearts
Singing hallelujah
In play yards
You just met your equal, queen of hearts
Holla do ya'
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Песня Lana Del Rey - Queen of Hearts

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